Meaning Of Trusteeship Agreement

The story. The concept of the treuhand involves the continuation and extension of the concept and system of mandates set out in section 22 of the League of Nations and the requirement in section 23, point b), that league members must “treat fairly” aboriginal people in their dependent territories. In terms of the impact of the trust, more often than not, it has changed the climate of opinion in dependent regions, administrative states and other countries. While a number of steps have been taken to more accurately determine the means, directions and effects of climate change, this is also an important task for future science. Since 1960, the tone and pace of the United Nations fiduciary proceedings have changed considerably. The increasingly rapid liquidation of colonialism in Africa, marked this year by the granting of independence to the French African territories and the former Belgian Congo, meant the adoption by the administrative states of a rate of decolonization which they had previously opposed. When they entered the United Nations, as they did this year, emerging countries inflated the anti-colonial majority. As more and more fiduciary territories achieved the ultimate objectives of the system, the importance of the Board of Trustees diminished. The first important sign of this amendment was the adoption of General Assembly Resolution 1514 (xv), in which administrative states were asked to take “immediate measures” to transfer “all powers” to the peoples of trust and to the non-self-managed territories.

A special committee was established in 1961 to review and submit recommendations and proposals for the implementation of this resolution. States with anti-colonial views have gained a dominant position in the Committee, which has been given powers almost equivalent to those of the Guardianship Council. In 1964, this committee took over the functions of the information committee, which was dissolved. Since 1960, the General Assembly has believed that the time of the trust is almost over and that colonialism should be liquidated as soon as possible. The concept of the trust, as understood in current international relations, is best reflected in Article 73 of the Charter of the United Nations. Under this article, UN Member States recognize the principle that the interests of the inhabitants of dependent areas are “of the utmost importance and accept as a sacred confidence the obligation to promote their “well-being” to the end. Under Article 73, this obligation implies the guarantee of “political, economic, social and educational progress” for the inhabitants of dependent areas and their “fair treatment” and “protection from abuse”. It also obliges administrative states to develop “autonomy” in dependent territories and to “take due account of the political aspirations of peoples. In order to achieve these objectives, the contemporary Treuhandschaft strives to offer various international supervisory measures.