Tag Agreement Ucsc

2. Complete all remaining course and AMP requirements in your TAG agreement. The course transfer agreements and articulation between the University of California and california Community Colleges can be found on the ASSIST website. Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAGs) are agreements that are written in addition to the application to a school at the University of California (UC). TAGs give you guaranteed entry and quick notification. Major art: Junior transfer students are admitted to the art major after passing the portfolio exam. Art Department`s UC application and portfolio review application are separate and independent processes. Acceptance of UC Santa Cruz does not guarantee that you will pass portfolio control and the success of the portfolio review does not guarantee admission to UC Santa Cruz. For more information on portfolio verification, please visit art.ucsc.edu or phone the Art Department at (831) 459-3551. Starting your training at a community college is a great way to get a university degree. Uc Santa Cruz is proud of its close ties with California community colleges, and together we have developed a program to ensure admission to UCSC and assist students in their transfer process.

A Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) is a formal agreement that guarantees the fall approval in your proposed major. 2. Students must have a 3.30 MPA at the time of submission of the TAA to the SCU. UC campuses require all TAGs to be completed online. Please follow the instructions below: In most years, UC Santa Cruz offers a one-year accommodation guarantee for transfer students. However, given that it is not currently known whether the COVID 19 pandemic will lead to changes in the lives of students, the University of California does not offer housing guarantees. Second-year applicants are assessed on a case-by-case basis if registration permits. You will find more information on this site in the fall before applying. Instructions and admission criteria for the Santa Clara University Transfer Admission Agreement (SCU TAA): 1. Meet with a foothill advisor before February 1 (priority deadline) to complete and file a TAA SCU if you are eligible. Although not recommended, students can submit a SCU TAA until March 26. Uc Santa Cruz welcomes transfer students who have completed their courses outside the United States.

A registration of the course work of colleges and universities outside the United States must be subject to evaluation. We require all applicants whose first language is not English to provide adequate proof of English proficiency in the application process. . A: You will find a complete description of the academic criteria for transfer admission in the admission and transfer selection guide. For example, if you take a different general culture course than your TAG, it is very likely that this will not have a negative effect on your BALISE. UCSC screens for great preparation in more than half of its majors. A full list of selected majors and detailed information on the requirements are available on our Screening Major Selection Criteria page. We have also provided a list of majors that are not checked at this time. UC Davis was the only UC to let students know until mid-November whether their TAG was approved.

As a general rule, most UCs will not notify you if your TAG has been approved until they send your admission decision.